차이나타운 외국인 노동자 밀집거주에 의한 근린효과 : 서울 가리봉동-대림동을 대상으로

DH 교육용 위키
이동: 둘러보기, 검색



As the number of foreign immigrants increases, the ‘ethnic district’ is emerging in Korea. The purpose of this study is to find out not only the effect of 'ethnic district' on the residents and the neighborhood, but also the native residents’ reaction towards the advent of ethnic district. The study is based on the survey conducted in Garibongdong and Daelimdong, which are known for ethnic district of Korean-Chinese. Through factor analysis, effects of foreigners on the neighborhood are categorized into four factors― environmental management, crime/conflict, education/culture, and economic revitalization. These four factors are set as independent variables and used in the ordered logistic model in combination with dependent variables, which are housing satisfaction, inclination to migrate, intention to form a social relationship with foreigners. The result shows that the housing satisfaction correlates with the environmental management and revitalization of the economy. In other words, when the residents think that the foreigners participate well in environmental management and revitalization, the housing satisfaction in the district increases as well. However, crime/conflict factor does not show the significance in all three models. The negative effect of educational or cultural aspects may diminish the social interaction between natives and immigrants.

저자 소개


I. 서론 1

II. 외국인 밀집거주와 근린에 대한 영향 2

1. 지역경제의 활성화 2

2. 부동산시장의 활력 3

3. 문화다양성의 창출 4

4. 근린환경의 훼손 및 범죄발생 4

III. 분석틀 6

IV. 결과 및 해석 8

1. 기초통계 8

2. 원주민 및 근린에 미치는 영향 8

3. 근린에 대한 영향과 원주민의 반응 9

V. 결론 11

인용문헌 13


  1. 이동 <출처>건축도시연구정보센터
  2. 이동 <출처>국회전자도서관


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외국인 노동자 밀집거주에 의한 근린효과 : 서울 가리봉동-대림동을 대상으로 A는_B에의해_저술되었다 박신영