GGHS 2019 Winter - Team 5
DH 교육용 위키
Treaty of Ganghwa Island and some human rights violation cases during the colonial times in Korea - focused on press reports
No. | Team Topic | Teacher | Role | Name (Korean) | No. of Students |
5 | Human Rights and Media during the Colonial Period (일제 강점기 인권과 언론) |
Evelyn RUIZ | Leader | 문지○ | 9 |
Vice-Leader | 한가○ | ||||
김해○ | |||||
송세○ | |||||
이다○ | |||||
최하○ | |||||
김바○ | |||||
오지○ | |||||
이유○ |
1. Treaty of Ganghwa Island
1.1 강화도 조약의 내용
1.2 강화도 조약의 인권침해 사례
1.3 당시의 여론과 현재의 언론 양상 비교 분석
===1) 강화도 조약 후 위정척사파와 개화파가 나뉜 이유 ===2) 당시 여론들의 입장과 대표 인물들 ===3)현재 언론의 진보세력, 보수세력 당시 여론과 현재 언론 비교 분석
2. 일제강점기의 인권유린과 언론
2.1 인권유린사례
1) 헌병경찰제
2) 강제징용과 위안부
3) 조선어 사용 금지
2.2 언론보도
- In Korean
- Korean Cultural Journalism : Its Formation and Transformation from 1960s to 2010s
- A Critical Discourse Analysis on the NewspaperTexts during the Japanese Occupation - Focused on the Four Patriotic Events Reports
- A study of serial novel on newspaper in Korean patriotic enlightenment period
- Changes in front page characteristics of Korean newspaper : A study of the Chosun Ilbo and the Dong-A Ilbo, 1921- 2001
- (The) study on sodial education for women in Korea : concentrated on social education, through the press
- Photographic representation of the working class in Dong-A Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo: 1920-1940
- (A) Study of the Five Major Daily Newspapers Published in Korea at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century
Network Graph(s)
- SAMPLE: VH2018_부석사reference.lst
- YOUR TEAM GRAPH: GGHS2019W_Team5.lst