GGHS 김한○

DH 교육용 위키
김한영 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 26일 (목) 18:43 판

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Is it possible to apply for global camp when I am not good at English? But this time, my friend asked me to join her. But I hesitated a lot. Because I am not good at English. Listening to my friend's saying that I can participate even if I am not good at English, I decided to participate in this global camp to eliminate fear of English. And our team only had two members but we thought we would do well and participated. This year marks the 1100st anniversary of Goryeo. So, the theme of this global camp is also Goryeo. Not long ago, our school held a ceremony to celebrate the 1,100 year anniversary of Goryeo and we had an exhibition about Goryeo food. As we prepared for the exhibition, we learned a little about the dietary life of Wang Gun, the founder of Goryeo, and the merits of some of the foods we ate during the Goryeo Dynasty. So, our group decided to participate in this global camp under the theme of Goryeo food because we could use data from the academic Academic Seminar. We conducted a global camp under the theme of " Goryeo food, " and examined the main foods, tea, and alcohol among them. Before I started my activities, I only knew that I ate Seolleongtang, Seokguk Kalbi, and so on. But when I was in camp, I realized that even though we can’t find any cattles on the Goryeo people’s table, because Buddhism was established as a state religion, Goryeo started eating meats in the middle of 13th century. And it was also newly discovered that there was a professional coffee house in the royal court called the tea house, which was in charge of the affairs of the royal banquet or tea ceremony. With this activity, surveying the informations about Goryeo’s food and up posting on the wiki, I felt pressured because of the fact that people around the world can watch ours. I hope many people can be of help from the information I posted about Goryeo cuisine. And I think I can explain about Goryeo to others in detail in the future