GGHS 신은○
Student ID | 3708 |
Wiki ID | 신토리 |
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함원진 이은상 구정모 뽑아주세요
First week
I came to know what digital humanities is and what activities we will do in the next class. I expected that we can use many different digital technologies in this project. But I was worried that I couldn't keep up with the difficult program in class. I was also worried because this program might not be related to do data. But the teacher showed us many studies using database. And she tells me she can help us use data in this project. So I was no longer worried. I came to want to work harder on this project since this class.
Second week
I learned how to manage the MediaWiki page for the first time in this weekly class. It was really fun because I could make my own page. It was also exciting that I could put my activities on my page in the future. I want to proceed with our project quickly and fill the page with meaningful data. Thank you so much teacher for teaching us passionately and letting us know a lot. I am even more grateful for the meticulous work of English journals. I was sure that I could learn a lot from this class in the future.
좋아하는 음식
면을 사랑해
- 사보텐에서 냉우동 세트를 먹어보세요
- 역시 천수면
- 냉모밀
- 매콤갈매기 조지고 먹는 마포국수
- 황소개구리 국수
식후 음료 한 잔
- 공차
- 딸기쥬얼리티
- 초코스무디에 펄 추가
- 망고요구르트에 화이트펄
- 카페
- 무조건 무조건 무조건 바닐라라떼
좋아하는 노래
- Mariya Takeuchi - Plastic Love
- 오랜만에 (디깅클럽서울 Ver.) - 죠지
- 백예린 - LaLaLa lovesong
- Tatsuro Yamashita - Ride On Time
- Tatsuro Yamashita - Sparkle
- Tatsuro Yamashita - Love Space
- Masayo Kawaguchi – Melty
트랜디한 곡들
- YOUTH! (Feat. HAON & Coogie & BewhY) - BOYCOLD
이거 최고ㅇㅇㅎㅎ
- Worth It (Feat. Hoody) - 펀치넬로 (punchnello)
- 5 (five) (Feat. 카더가든 & The Quiett) - BOYCOLD
- Cruise (Feat. Coogie) - BOYCOLD & 1MILLION
- CORONA (Feat. Crush) - 펀치넬로 (punchnello)
- 아무 말 - 죠지 (george)
알려지지 않은 신토리의 실체
- 원래 키는190이였으니 키 축소 수술을 통해 현재의 키를 얻었다고한다
- 전생은 우리나라에게 알려지지 않은 무인도 부족장의 딸이였다