2018 GGHS Teachers

DH 교육용 위키
Ganghwa (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 26일 (목) 17:17 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Beautiful Memories


We are the teachers of the 2018 Ganghwa Girl's High School Global Issues Forum from the Academy of Korean Studies.

Teachers' Information

Team Students Essays Name Program Department
N/A Lyndsey PhD Cultural Informatics
Team 1 15* 2 Lina Masters
Team 2 15* 2 Jee Eun PhD Korean Classics and Global Communication
Team 3 7 2 Anand PhD Korean Culture and Society
Team 4 7 2 Anca PhD Korean Classics and Global Communication
Team 5 10 3 Ere Masters Korean Culture and Society
Team 6 7 2 Manik Masters Sociology
Team 7 9 3 Kate Masters Korean Culture and Society
Team 8 8 2 Zarina Masters Political Science
Team 9 8 2 Salma Research Program Korean Lingusitics
Team 10 4 1 Flora PhD Economics
10 75 21 - - -



  • Winning teams: 2


  • 1st place: 1
  • 2nd place: 4
  • 3rd place: 11
  • Total: 16