"Ganghwa Girl's High School Global Issues Forum - 2018 Summer"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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2018년 7월 25일 (수) 20:13 판

Professor Kim's Lecture

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Ganghwa Girl's High School

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Ganghwa Girl's High School was founded in 1954.<ref>"Timeline." Ganghwa Girl's High School Homepage. http://ganghwagirls.icehs.kr/sub/info.do?m=0102&s=ganghwagirls</ref>

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Ganghwa Girl's High School was founded in 1954.[1]


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  1. "Timeline." Ganghwa Girl's High School Homepage. http://ganghwagirls.icehs.kr/sub/info.do?m=0102&s=ganghwagirls