"GGHS 김하○B"의 두 판 사이의 차이

DH 교육용 위키
이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(About Me)
(2018 Summer Personal Essay)
(5명의 사용자에 의한 22개의 중간 편집이 숨겨짐)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
=About Me=
(Write something here about you if you want.)
|사진 =  
저는 아직 1학년으로서, ‘글로벌 포럼캠프’에 처음 참가하게 되었습니다. 처음 참가한 만큼 그 동기와 목적도 더욱 뚜렷할 것이라 생각합니다. 저는 평소 영어 내신등급이 낮으며, 문법, 회화, 작문 능력등 전부 자신이 없는 학생입니다. 그래서 항상 저 스스로도 영어 자존감을 올리자는 마인드가 있었습니다. 영어에 좀 더 익숙해지고 친해지기 위해 ‘원서’도 읽어보고 책의 내용을 영어로 번역해보는 활동도 자체적으로 했었습니다. 그러다가 학교 게시판에 글로벌 이슈 포럼캠프 안내문을 봤습니다. 그곳엔 모든 말을 영어로 해야한다는 내용, 외국인 선생님과 수업한다는 내용이 적혀있었습니다. 문득 이런 생각이 들더군요 ‘외국인과 영어로 대화할 수 있는 경험은 엄청 값진 일이야! 꼭 참여해보고 싶다’ 고요. 그래서 같이 활동할 친구도 구하지 않은 채 무작정 선생님께 참가한다고 하였습니다. 물론 그런 결정을 하게 된 또 하나의 이유는 아는 언니의 강력한 추천 때문이기도 합니다. 작년에 참가했었던 언니인데 활동이 매우 좋고 유익하다며 저에게 신청을 권했습니다.  
|학번 = 1105
정말 언니의 말처럼 자신의 진로희망에 분야를 나누어 모둠원들 끼리 토의하며 주제를 정하고 직접 조사하여 발표하는 일은 매우 유익하며 뜻 깊었습니다. 저희 조의 주제는 큰 틀로 ‘무신정권기(강화도 천도) 백성들의 삶’으로써 각자의 분야에 따라 심리, 언론, 국제 구호 등으로 나뉘어, 자료조사는 다 같이 하되, 발표는 각자의 분야대로 하기로 결정하였죠. 발표대본을 쓰고 wiki에 자료를 올리기 위해선 제가 알고 있던 내용에 활동을 통해 배운 내용, 조사한 내용을 첨가해야 했습니다. 그 중 제가 알고 있던 내용은 ‘무신정권기의 백성들의 삶이 매우 궁핍했었다’는 대략적 사실이고, “그때에 공산성에 들어갔던 백성 가운데 굶주려 죽은 자가 매우 많았는데, 늙은이와 어린이로 골짜기를 메울 정도였다.”[고려사절요] 이와 같은 구체적인 사례나 사실을 직접 찾아보면서 그 시대에 대해 더욱 정확히 알게되고 이해했던 것 같습니다. 또한 저의 기본 지식은 ‘백성들이 힘듦을 이겨내기 위해 노래를 불렀었다’ 에서 그쳤었는데 자료를 더 찾아보며 배운 결과 백성들은 ‘포구악’ 이란 노래를 불렀던 것을 알게 되었습니다. 저도 직접 노래를 불러보았는데, 나중에 힘들 때, 누군가에 기대고 싶을 때 부르면 힘이 날 것만 같습니다. 정말 효과가 좋다면 주변 사람들에게도 추천할 예정입니다.
|위키아이디= GGHS긔여미
마지막으로 오늘 배운 기득권세력의 독재정치와 호화생활, 그로인해 더욱 피폐해져가는 백성들의 삶을 배우면서 ‘내가 만약 학급에서, 사회에서 권력을 가진 리더가 된다면 아랫사람들의 말을 듣고 민주적으로 이끌어가서 모두가 잘 사는 사회를 만들어야 겠다'는 생각이 듭니다. 미래의 발전된 나의 모습을 상상하니 기쁘기만 합니다.
==2019 Winter Personal Essay==
<center>'''''[[GGHS 2019 Winter - Team 10]]'''''</center>
'''I uploaded at pm 5:54'''
The winter vacation that the first grade is almost over, I am participating in the 2019 Winter Global Camp. The reason why I participated in this camp is that there are recommendations from my school teachers, recommendations from my sisters, and favorite subjects. Also, the most decisive factor in my choice was that the global camp during the summer vacation remained a very good memory. At that time, I remembered happy memories with a really good English teacher. We got a lot and made a memorable presentation and survey. I was very impressed with learning new things, and moreover, the camp in English that I wanted to learn more and was interested in was a pride to me. "I did a global camp during the vacation. It was really helpful." Global camp was really the best program for me because I was still a teenager who wanted to learn and enjoy the experience. With such great expectations, I began my three-day journey. The theme of our team was Family People and Historic Sites of Ganghwwa, why did they choose the immigration system? Just attracted? As soon as I saw the topic at first, I said, "Oh, this is it!"
Now that I think of it, I like to observe people and to hang out.
Also, I have a dream of being a journalist, which is a job of treating and respecting people, so I think I was attracted more. And I liked the team that I was close to. I had my own background before researching on this subject. That's why I feel more confident. I knew Lee Gyu-bo, Chul-jong, Yang Heon-soo, and Eo Jae-yeon as famous people in Ganghwa. The fact that the tombs and the birthplace of Lee Gyu-bo, who was one of the greatest writers of the Goryeo Dynasty, are located on the road in Ganghwado Island is the place where King Cheoljong lived in today's Yongheung Palace and other related legends are known. It is because he is a Ganghwa resident. General Yang Heon-soo defeated the French army in Jeongjoksan, while General Eo Jae-yeon defeated the American in Gwangseongbo. I went to the historical site in person. With these background knowledge, I began to research the data passionately. We divided the parts into two and began to research the data. My part was Jeongjoksanseong. I learned a lot by studying the structure, width, and period of the Jeongjoksan Fortress.
first, Jeongjoksanseong is  During the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties, it was the most important government complex to protect the outside of the capital city and Hanyang. The form is Surrounded by steep cliffs, the fortress facilities are four gates and four fortresses, including Dongmun, Nammun, Seomun, and Bukmun. also , located at 222m above sea level in the southern part of Ganghwa Island. This vast amount of information prepared for the presentation. Among them, I played the lead role in posting information on wiki, placing places on Wikipedia, and playing a play. As I was a meticulous person, I mostly reviewed my friends' posts by classifying them into sub-titles and uploading them. And they also marked places on the wiki. It was difficult, but he didn't give up, so he became a power. And I played the main character in the play. It was very burdensome that our play had a huge role in the main character and had to elicit the audience's response. But I didn't get nervous and participated as I prepared.  
I was not very communicative, but I'm satisfied with the responses. I found and learned so many things that I was curious about but difficult to find. And although it is a short time with team members, I was able to cultivate community spirit by conducting countles. When a friend did something wrong, he realized that he had to help him understand and do it again, not get angry. It seemed like a more correct student. Through this camp, I came a step closer to my dream of being a journalist, and I want to be a team leader next time.s meetings and data research for 3 days, and I also had a strong bond.
==2018 Summer Personal Essay==
'''I uploaded at am 11:45'''
'''I uploaded at am 11:45'''
#Why did you join this camp(expectations)?-improve English, friend recommendation
I am still a freshman, and I participated in the Global Forum Camp for the first time. I think the motivation and purpose of my participation are more clear. I usually have a low grade in English and I am not confident in my ability to write, grammar ability, and conversation.So, I always had in mind to improve my English. To become more familiar with the language, I read the book application and translated it into English. Then I saw the Global Issue Forum Camp information on the school bulletin board. It said that every word should be spoken in English, and that a foreign teacher will teach us. And I suddenly thought that the ability to communicate with foreigners in English is very valuable! I really wanted to participate. So I decided that I would not even find a friend to work with, but just blindly participate in this camp. Another reason for such a decision is my friend's strong recommendation. She participated in this camp before and she told me  her activities were very good and helpful.
#Why did you choose this topic?
#What did you know about the topic before?
As my friend said, it was very informative and meaningful to discuss the field of our future career with the group members, discuss the topic, research and present the topic. The theme of our group was ''Life of the Goryeo People at the Time the Capital was Moved to Ganghwa''. We divided the tasks  into psychology, media, aid worker etc., according to each member's field of interest and do the research according to that.
#What did you learn until now?
#What is your role?
I was assigned the 'society' part. We wanted to have a special social theme during the Goryeo Dynasty. It reminded me of the people's lives in the days of the military rule as a way of thinking about the social chaos and the society in which it changed. Then another aspect to mention is the reason  I joined the 'society' team. My dream is to go to the sociology department in university and become a journalist. This is the goal of my high school life. I like to explore and criticize social problems and issues. So I wanted to do research on a topic about how the lives of the people changed under the military rule and during the Mongol invasions . As I said before, my dream is to be a journalist. So I came up with a structure to do the presentation in a news format.
#What do you expect from this camp?
# You can upload photos, videos of your team etc. for extra points.(This is '''not compulsory''', only if you want.)
My specific role is to be a newsmaker, and I wrote a news script for the presentation day. We also added video clips to make the news more attractive. And at the end of the presentation, I wrote an article criticizing the rulers of the Goryeo military regime, looking for examples of tyranny, the life of the poor people, etc. I am really excited to present it in a news format. In order to complete the assignments, I had to upload the materials I found to media wiki.
What I knew about this topic before the camp, was that Goryeo people went through a lot of difficulties and distress. Many died of hunger,and there were many old people and children. Looking for specific examples or facts like this, I think I have learned and understood those times more accurately. Originally I did not know anything except the fact that Goryeo people used to overcome their suffering by singing songs. But as I looked for more materials I found that people used to sing songs that were called ''Pogu-ak''. I tried to sing myself, but I think, rather than now, I will try to sing later when I am having a hard time or when I am missing someone. I think it will cheer me up. If it works, I will recommend it to those around me.  
I am still a freshman, and I participated in the Global Forum Camp for the first time. I think the motivation and purpose of my participation are more clear. I usually have a low grade in English and I am not confident in all of my ability to write, such as grammar, conversation, and writing.So, I always had a mind to improve my English. To become more familiar and familiar with the language, I read the book application and translated the book into English. Then I saw the Global Issue Forum Camp information on the school bulletin board. It said that every word should be spoken in English, and that I should teach with a foreign teacher. And I suddenly thought that the ability to communicate with foreigners in English is very valuable! I really wanted to participate. So I decided that I would not even find a friend to work with, but just blindly participate in this camp. Another reason for such a decision is my friend's strong recommendation. She participated in this camp before and she told me  her activities were very good and helpful.<br/>
Finally, by participating in this camp, I learned about the situation of the people during the military rule and and I think my English conversation skills with the foreign teachers improved. Also, through searching, translating, and preparing for presentation, I learned how to cooperate with my group members. Also, when opinions differ on the direction of data research, we seem to have developed caring and understanding, including leadership, and how to listen to each member's opinions.
As my friend said, it was very informative and meaningful to discuss the field of our future career with the group members, discuss the topic, research and present the topic. The theme of our group was ''Life of the Goryeo People at the Time the Capital was Moved to Ganghwa''. We divided the tasks  into psychology, press, international relief, etc., according to each member's field of interest and do the research according to that. In order to write a presentation script and upload the material to wiki, I had to add what I had learned and researched.<br/>
Check from here<br/>
What I knew was that the lives of the people of atheism were in dire straits. " Many of the people who had entered Gongsanseong Castle died of hunger, but the valley was filled with old men and children” Looking for specific examples or facts like this, I think I've learned and understood more accurately about the times. Originally I did not know anything except the fact that Goryeo people used to overcome their suffering by singing songs. But as I looked for more materials I found that people used to sing songs that were called Puguak. I've tried singing myself, but when I'm having a hard time later, when I want to depend on someone, I think it will cheer me up. If it works, I'll recommend it to those around me. Finally, if I were to learn about dictatorship of the vested interests, the luxury of life, the people who are being more impoverished by it, then I would all be a leader of democracy in my class. I am happy to imagine my future self.
=My Contribution=
=My Contribution=

2019년 1월 22일 (화) 11:30 기준 최신판

2019 Winter Personal Essay

GGHS 2019 Winter - Team 10

I uploaded at pm 5:54

The winter vacation that the first grade is almost over, I am participating in the 2019 Winter Global Camp. The reason why I participated in this camp is that there are recommendations from my school teachers, recommendations from my sisters, and favorite subjects. Also, the most decisive factor in my choice was that the global camp during the summer vacation remained a very good memory. At that time, I remembered happy memories with a really good English teacher. We got a lot and made a memorable presentation and survey. I was very impressed with learning new things, and moreover, the camp in English that I wanted to learn more and was interested in was a pride to me. "I did a global camp during the vacation. It was really helpful." Global camp was really the best program for me because I was still a teenager who wanted to learn and enjoy the experience. With such great expectations, I began my three-day journey. The theme of our team was Family People and Historic Sites of Ganghwwa, why did they choose the immigration system? Just attracted? As soon as I saw the topic at first, I said, "Oh, this is it!" Now that I think of it, I like to observe people and to hang out.

Also, I have a dream of being a journalist, which is a job of treating and respecting people, so I think I was attracted more. And I liked the team that I was close to. I had my own background before researching on this subject. That's why I feel more confident. I knew Lee Gyu-bo, Chul-jong, Yang Heon-soo, and Eo Jae-yeon as famous people in Ganghwa. The fact that the tombs and the birthplace of Lee Gyu-bo, who was one of the greatest writers of the Goryeo Dynasty, are located on the road in Ganghwado Island is the place where King Cheoljong lived in today's Yongheung Palace and other related legends are known. It is because he is a Ganghwa resident. General Yang Heon-soo defeated the French army in Jeongjoksan, while General Eo Jae-yeon defeated the American in Gwangseongbo. I went to the historical site in person. With these background knowledge, I began to research the data passionately. We divided the parts into two and began to research the data. My part was Jeongjoksanseong. I learned a lot by studying the structure, width, and period of the Jeongjoksan Fortress.

first, Jeongjoksanseong is During the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties, it was the most important government complex to protect the outside of the capital city and Hanyang. The form is Surrounded by steep cliffs, the fortress facilities are four gates and four fortresses, including Dongmun, Nammun, Seomun, and Bukmun. also , located at 222m above sea level in the southern part of Ganghwa Island. This vast amount of information prepared for the presentation. Among them, I played the lead role in posting information on wiki, placing places on Wikipedia, and playing a play. As I was a meticulous person, I mostly reviewed my friends' posts by classifying them into sub-titles and uploading them. And they also marked places on the wiki. It was difficult, but he didn't give up, so he became a power. And I played the main character in the play. It was very burdensome that our play had a huge role in the main character and had to elicit the audience's response. But I didn't get nervous and participated as I prepared.

I was not very communicative, but I'm satisfied with the responses. I found and learned so many things that I was curious about but difficult to find. And although it is a short time with team members, I was able to cultivate community spirit by conducting countles. When a friend did something wrong, he realized that he had to help him understand and do it again, not get angry. It seemed like a more correct student. Through this camp, I came a step closer to my dream of being a journalist, and I want to be a team leader next time.s meetings and data research for 3 days, and I also had a strong bond.

2018 Summer Personal Essay

I uploaded at am 11:45

I am still a freshman, and I participated in the Global Forum Camp for the first time. I think the motivation and purpose of my participation are more clear. I usually have a low grade in English and I am not confident in my ability to write, grammar ability, and conversation.So, I always had in mind to improve my English. To become more familiar with the language, I read the book application and translated it into English. Then I saw the Global Issue Forum Camp information on the school bulletin board. It said that every word should be spoken in English, and that a foreign teacher will teach us. And I suddenly thought that the ability to communicate with foreigners in English is very valuable! I really wanted to participate. So I decided that I would not even find a friend to work with, but just blindly participate in this camp. Another reason for such a decision is my friend's strong recommendation. She participated in this camp before and she told me her activities were very good and helpful.

As my friend said, it was very informative and meaningful to discuss the field of our future career with the group members, discuss the topic, research and present the topic. The theme of our group was Life of the Goryeo People at the Time the Capital was Moved to Ganghwa. We divided the tasks into psychology, media, aid worker etc., according to each member's field of interest and do the research according to that.

I was assigned the 'society' part. We wanted to have a special social theme during the Goryeo Dynasty. It reminded me of the people's lives in the days of the military rule as a way of thinking about the social chaos and the society in which it changed. Then another aspect to mention is the reason I joined the 'society' team. My dream is to go to the sociology department in university and become a journalist. This is the goal of my high school life. I like to explore and criticize social problems and issues. So I wanted to do research on a topic about how the lives of the people changed under the military rule and during the Mongol invasions . As I said before, my dream is to be a journalist. So I came up with a structure to do the presentation in a news format.

My specific role is to be a newsmaker, and I wrote a news script for the presentation day. We also added video clips to make the news more attractive. And at the end of the presentation, I wrote an article criticizing the rulers of the Goryeo military regime, looking for examples of tyranny, the life of the poor people, etc. I am really excited to present it in a news format. In order to complete the assignments, I had to upload the materials I found to media wiki.

What I knew about this topic before the camp, was that Goryeo people went through a lot of difficulties and distress. Many died of hunger,and there were many old people and children. Looking for specific examples or facts like this, I think I have learned and understood those times more accurately. Originally I did not know anything except the fact that Goryeo people used to overcome their suffering by singing songs. But as I looked for more materials I found that people used to sing songs that were called Pogu-ak. I tried to sing myself, but I think, rather than now, I will try to sing later when I am having a hard time or when I am missing someone. I think it will cheer me up. If it works, I will recommend it to those around me.

Finally, by participating in this camp, I learned about the situation of the people during the military rule and and I think my English conversation skills with the foreign teachers improved. Also, through searching, translating, and preparing for presentation, I learned how to cooperate with my group members. Also, when opinions differ on the direction of data research, we seem to have developed caring and understanding, including leadership, and how to listen to each member's opinions.

My Contribution

The Difficult Lives of Goryeo People

I looked for a direct example of Mongolia's invasion, of its people's lives, of its dictatorship. I focused on the situation at that time rather than the trend of the times. When Mongolia invaded Goryeo in 1231, Goryeo was in a difficult situation both at home and abroad. Mongolia invaded the country many times outside, and the Japanese looted the people, and inside, an atheistic revolution led to a new regime of atheism. Unfortunately, the politics of atheism did not live up to expectations. They have all regarded the interests of the people, and there is no time to look at the safety of the people. For example, ' You bring up my hometown to the prefecture and send comfort to the people. (After the dissolution of the uprising) Soon you send soldiers against our town and capture my mother and wife. I would rather die fighting than give in to the end, and must go to the last place. As it is, atheism is pressuring the people's lives, even though it can not enlighten the confused people. In addition, Song Gil-yu, a regional ruler of Gyeongsang Province, brutally killed people who opposed the relocation.[1] This shows how persecuted the lives of the people were then. Contrary to the people's situation, the privileged people of that time continued to enjoy a comfortable life after reaching Ganghwado Island. King ‘Choi’ used the army to carry garden trees to Seosan to form a forest of dozens. When you look at the records of these behaviors, it's very doubtful if you're a representative of a country. Furthermore, rather than providing active resistance, the Choi administration has relied on the geographical advantages of Ganghwa Island and been content with its continued luxury.[2] This is why it is assessed that the transfer was not a tactical value or diplomatic effect, but rather a means for Choi to protect his regime and to ensure the safety of some of the ruling groups.[3] [4] [5]


  1. 역사소설가 이수광의 글
  2. 『고려사절요』권16, 고종안효대왕 3 을사 32년 5월
  3. 『고려사절요』권17, 고종안효대왕 42년 3월
  4. 『고려사』권121, 「열전」34 [효우
  5. 최우의 호화스런 강화 생활