Ganghwa Girl's High School Global Issues Forum - 2018 Summer
DH 교육용 위키
[숨기기]Professor Kim's Lecture
No. | Team Topic | Team Award | Teacher | Role | Name (Korean) | Individual Award | No. of Students |
1 | 2018 GGHS Team 1 | Lina | Leader | 김예○ | 대상 | 6 | |
박정○ | |||||||
유수○ | |||||||
김효○ | |||||||
이예○ | |||||||
신혜○ | 최우수상 | ||||||
2 | 2018 GGHS Team 2 | Jee Eun | Leader | 서지○ | 7 | ||
Vice-Leader | 우희○ | 우수상 | |||||
고하○ | 우수상 | ||||||
박세○ | |||||||
봉해○ | |||||||
이지○ | |||||||
최민○ | |||||||
3 | 2018 GGHS Team 3 | Anand | Forum Organizer, Team Leader | 문지○ | 최우수상 | 7 | |
Vice-Leader | 이승○ | ||||||
순수○ | |||||||
오지○ | |||||||
김바○ | 우수상 | ||||||
한여○ | |||||||
안연○ | |||||||
4 | 2018 GGHS Team 4 | Anca | Leader | 박이○ | 우수상 | 7 | |
Vice-Leader | 김해○ | ||||||
이다○ | |||||||
홍연○ | |||||||
남연○ | |||||||
심재○ | |||||||
김하○ | 최우수상 | ||||||
5 | 2018 GGHS Team 5 | Eryanur | Leader | 안태○ | 10 | ||
Leader | 정영○ | ||||||
Vice-Leader | 최하○ | ||||||
Vice-Leader | 이하○ | ||||||
오서○ | 우수상 | ||||||
고바○ | |||||||
김도○ | |||||||
이예○ | |||||||
한지○ | |||||||
김수○ | |||||||
6 | 2018 GGHS Team 6 | Manik | Leader | 김영○ | 7 | ||
Vice-Leader | 백연○ | ||||||
한예○ | |||||||
박진○ | |||||||
한가○ | 우수상 | ||||||
전수○ | |||||||
홍지○ | |||||||
7 | 2018 GGHS Team 7 | Kate | Leader | 차민○ | 9 | ||
Vice-Leader | 정가○ | 우수상 | |||||
한서○ | |||||||
김○ | |||||||
유민○ | |||||||
유예○ | |||||||
박정○ | |||||||
한혜○ | |||||||
이시○ | |||||||
8 | 2018 GGHS Team 8 | Zarina | Leader | 조명○ | 8 | ||
Vice-Leader | 유지○ | ||||||
윤수○ | 우수상 | ||||||
유아○ | |||||||
이호○ | 최우수상 | ||||||
정유○ | |||||||
김윤○ | |||||||
박유○ | |||||||
9 | 2018 GGHS Team 9 | Salma | Forum Organizer, Team Leader | 이신○ | 8 | ||
Vice-Leader | 전지○ | ||||||
양지○ | |||||||
한채○ | |||||||
유수○ | |||||||
박수○ | 최우수상 | ||||||
김가○ | |||||||
박소○ | |||||||
10 | 2018 GGHS Team 10 | Flora | Leader | 김지○ | 48 | ||
Vice-Leader | 김한○ | ||||||
Leader | 유하○ | ||||||
Vice-Leader | 송세○ | 우수상 |
Sample Pages
Essay Requirements
- Why did you join this camp (expectations)?
- Why did you choose this topic?
- What did you know about the topic before?
- What did you learn until now?
- What is your role?
- What do you expect from this camp?
- You can upload photos, videos of your team etc. for extra points. (This is not compulsory, only if you want.)
MediaWiki Syntax
Making a Page
- Use the equals sign (=) on both sides to make it a heading. More equal signs make a sub-heading.
=Heading 1= ==Heading 2== ===Heading 3===
Go to other pages on this website --> Two brackets ([ ])
[[Lyndsey Twining]]
Looks like... Lyndsey Twining
To make it say something else.
Hello, my name is [[Lyndsey Twining|Lyndsey]].
Go to other pages on other websites. --> One bracket ([ ])
Looks like... [1]
To make is say something else.
[ Ganghwa Girl's High School]
Looks like.... Ganghwa Girl's High School
Bullet List
Use the star (*).
*Bullet 1 *Bullet 2 **Bullet 2.1 **Bullet 2.2 *Bullet 3
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- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
- Bullet 2.1
- Bullet 2.2
- Bullet 3
Numbered List
Use the hashtag (#).
#Number 1 #Number 2 ##Number 2.1 ##Number 2.2 #Number 3
Looks like...
- Number 1
- Number 2
- Number 2.1
- Number 2.2
- Number 3
Font Styles
To make bold, use three (3) single quotation marks (')
This is bold.
To make italic, use two (2) single quotation marks (')
This is italic.
First, add references to the bottom of the page.
Then, add a reference tag to your quoted material using
Ganghwa Girl's High School was founded in 1954.<ref>"Timeline." Ganghwa Girl's High School Homepage.</ref>
Looks like...
Ganghwa Girl's High School was founded in 1954.[1]
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MediaWiki Resources
Translation, Romanization, and Other Resources
Hanja, Hangeul, Romanization Tools
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Glossary / Thesaurus / Dictionary
- MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary
- 한국학 영문 용어·용례 사전
- Korean History Thesaurus
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- Korea 101
- 이동 ↑ "Timeline." Ganghwa Girl's High School Homepage.